Sep 2, 2011

Magazine Cover Illustrated by Ida Liffengren Jansen

Art and Ida Jansen


Welcome to Murdo
The City of Murdo is located at the crossroads of Interstate 90 and Highway 83 in the middle of South Dakota where the Central Time Zone meets the Mountain Time Zone.
Murdo has several new businesses that nicely compliment our already existing services. We welcome you to browse our web site and stop in and visit.

click below for more info:

Medicine Creek

Boom Times in North Dakota

The state's unemployment rate hovers around 3 percent, and "Help Wanted" signs litter the landscape of cities such as Williston in the same way "For Sale" signs populate the streets of Las Vegas.

"It's a zoo," said Terry Ayers, who drove into town from Spokane, Wash., slept in his truck, and found a job within hours of arrival, tripling his salary. "It's crazy what's going on out here."

Why We Like 40 degree winters in Dakota?  It keeps the riffraff out.